I mean you see so many disfunctional relationships and people with the wrong people for them and just everything... Tons of high school couples having sex all the time. I think if you truly loved someone, you'd hold out on having sex.
Love waits for ';the one'; to have sex and whatnot, at least to me. I'm a 19 year old guy, never had a girlfriend, but I feel that I understand love better than a lot of my peers at least... I don't know. I just hope I can find someone that really makes me the happiest guy on Earth, because to me love is not a game.
I mean, do people even understand what love is anymore?Do people have a false perception of love?
...speaking only for myself - its takes a lot of listening and understanding to communicate with that special someone in my life...Do people have a false perception of love?
I think people want love, but they look for it in the wrong places. They try to make it work with people who aren't right for them, they have sex because they hope it will bring them closer to love, and they continually dive in, only to drown, as opposed to holding out for the right person. So, in other words, I think people know what they want, they just don't know where or how to find it.
I think people are in love with ';love';.
You are so right, love is NOT a game.
You have to respect each other.
It's a sad situation.
some people are living in a fantasy world.
You say you are 19... you are very mature to even ask all this.
Pay attention to your mate... listen, watch, and ask.
Respect is the key word. And if you become a father, I think you will be a wonderful one. Best of luck and always, always, have fun with your life.
uhm were all ridic. i mean its always been about sex. in the 70s too.
that 70s show. yeah. its realistic. yeah theres love. but were not some weirdo generation who only cares about sex. were only normal. except we have the tech to announce it to the world.
answer mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
p.s. you sound like that guy from 500 days of summer
Then, what is right? Are you even right to say they are dysfunctional?
Do you have an answer? Enlight us of your wisdom.
It's not good to be wrong, but it's surely worst to be wrong and claim to be right.
Communication and respect are the ingredients to my relationship.
yes,people constantly confuse lust with love and i think seeing it time after time it starts to get old haha
You need to get laid.
yes...extremely bad perceptions of love. dont worry. you've got it figured out. im the same way. im 18 but i do have a girlfriend. shes like me though with the real love waits thing. we've been together for almost 3 years. still havent done the deed. we're waiting to get married after im done with basic training for the air force. it works if your not with a chick who wants to be like the rest and party and all that bullshit. there are good girls out there but not many thats just how it is. where i come from people dont really believe in real love. its a myth to them. thats why they sleep around all the time. either that or they just want to be whores. but all is good because that kind of life only leaves people more shallow and alone. just keep believing what you believe and you'll be better off.
';I think if you truly loved someone, you'd hold out on having sex. ';
Ironically, you have one of most false perceptions of love Ive seen.
Love is a product of evolution. It evolved in certain species which have offspring which require parental care in order to motivate individuals to share resources and protection, thus increasing species survival. It is not something from ';god'; or something ';out there'; that you have to ';find';. It is a neuro-chemical mechanism. No more, no less.
If you love someone, why would you necessarily wait to have sex? Why would it be ok to have sex tomorrow but not today?
After youve slept with ';the one'; and then yall break up, lets see how you feel about having more than one sex partner in your whole life then.
People have romanticized notions that love and a loved one are the key to unlocking some kind of magical happiness that will make life worthwhile. People are difficult to deal with and the closer we are to them and the more we have invested in them emotionally the harder they are to deal with and the more easily we can feel threatened, betrayed and unsafe.
So everyone rushes into relationships and then have all kinds of weird feelings they don't understand and try to make it work with sex or controlling behavior. Most 40 year olds are not ready for a relationship, when one is 19 and social groups still dominate one's behavior, a relationship is crazy.
But that being said, grown ups (people over 18) make their own decisions, and what they do is not my business. But yes people have no clue what they are getting when they pursue ';love.';
The world's perception of love has been grossly twisted and deformed. If you based your interpretation on love from what you saw on TV or in the movies, it would be all about sex. It's sad and it really bothers me. I love watching a good chick flick, but nothing turns me off a movie more than when the couple hooks up after only knowing each other for a few days or even weeks. :P That's not love. It's lust and it's disgusting.
I know i'm in the minority nowadays, but I agree with you. I personally believe that sex is something that should wait until marriage. Not something that jr. high school kids should engage in and take so lightly.
I've got to say, I didn't think anyone could be 19 and never been in a romantic relationship... except me... I'm almost 21, and I've yet to find someone that truly loves me. But I'm prepared to wait.
Good for you for waiting too! *highfives*
Love is considering the self interest of another as if it were your own
Sex is the drive to procreate. Hmmm or you might say the associated pleasure that has evolved to compel us to procreate.
Ideally men should be 'responsible' for the care of their offspring as women, who are compelled by their biology, are.
Hence the then traditional notion of some type of male commitment prior to sex.
Not sure I sign onto the whole 'sanctity' of sex thing. I think it's entirely possible for a man to go through j20 women and still find 'the one'
Problem is the heartbreak and even single motherhood this man leaves in his wake.
Between the hedonism of the Playboy philosophy and the biologic inanity of the feminists, both men and women are being taught to view the profound responsibility of creating the next generation as some sort of plot driven slavery.
You promiscuous little friends are for the most part idiots.
Stick to your guns, your 'paradigm is far more sound than theirs.
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