Thursday, February 4, 2010

How do you cope or deal with people giving false portrayals and perceptions to everybody about you ?

say a group of influencial people or a person - tarring you to others, smearing you - vilifying you, getting others to perceive you in the way theyve incorrectly portrayed ?

possibly causing you to be socially rejected and ostracized by the majority.

without losing it and flying into a rage, smashing the joint - how do you handle it ?How do you cope or deal with people giving false portrayals and perceptions to everybody about you ?
There will always be bullies and people who criticize. The art is not to get on the receiving end of it. When you feel yourself being pulled into responding to any of that junk, rise above it by stepping back as far as you can. These people are not all that bright to begin with and many of them cannot be corrected so your strongest position will be to absent yourself from their company. If this is their chosen way to treat you, you have business elsewhere. The world is very large, and you will eventually find brand new friends again. People can be disappointing. The only thing which is more disappointing is the amount of time we waste in our own lives before we leave all that behind us.How do you cope or deal with people giving false portrayals and perceptions to everybody about you ?
Go see a hooker or lady of the night.

Just kidding :)

Seriously though, that's quite an awful thing to do.. You've every right to be upset and can't really blame you for becoming angry and wanting to smash the place up..

Best thing is to take a bit of time to calm down, and then confront this individual who has been spreading lies about you and ask them why they did it and get them to stop.

In time people will realise the truth and this other person will be the one who is ostracised.
l'm afraid it's a case of sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me! It is a real difficult one - the only thing you can do is ride it out with dignity. Don't try to argue - it merely looks like you protest too much. Those who really know you will not believe it anyway. Otherwise all that you can do is show them how wrong they are............

good luck and chin up
From personal experience.....just ignore them,I know it can be hard at times,but believe me you can raise above it.

People can be very nasty due to ignorance,jealousy,shallowness,and so on...shouting or punching them would not solve anything.

Remember the say: What goes around ,comes around.
The people that are close to me would know me. The rest of them I really wouldn't care what they thought. Besides, people like that have done it to others too, so before long, other people will realize what they are all about. :)
I couldn't care less. I never go out of my way to hurt anyone, so I am not bothered if people want to make things up. People only get upset with things said about them if they feel there may be an element of truth in them.
F**k them !, anyone who would do that is an nasty c**t, anyone swayed by them is a fool, anyone who ignores them is a friend.

Stay strong brother ( or sister).
I become their king. wanna know how?
Ignore them and rise above them..

Be sucsseful, that is the best revenge.

Good luck x
I avoid people most of time...few are worth the trouble of tolerating them...
just tell them to stop as a smack in the mouth often offends
In life you keep your head down and get on with life. Have nothing to do with any body. Like in the sense never get to involved. Be the smart one and sit back and stay calm. That way you can watch others make mistakes and if you wish warn them. But only if you feel that they are to be worth it.

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